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cig, nig, peen, craz, vag, etc.
Place a summary of the images here.

Well... lets see.... its mostly Ville and some random Hedwig pics.

Hawaiian Sunset

ticket fuck

the microphone...

got dang

he's getting ready for us...

share the love???

hedwig in diguise

Cig Nig

What is this white shit on Bam's lip? Ville missed

Dimples...awwe how cute

holds his fellow band members peen

Just one look into your eyes.....

excuse me

nice hair

always with a cigarette

grab that ass


duck tape fixes everything


Tommy Gnosis

buy these for me

Ville and Bam are (in) LOVE

these are at hot topic. they are amazing

Gives a whole new meaning to "Big Head"

Doesn't he look like he wants you to do dirty, dirty things to him?<3

he has chicken legs

This is Ville Valo as a fat lil' nig (((baby))......

emo kiss

butthole surfer(s)


Village Valo...horrible inside joke